Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Linear speed workout

This is the linear speed workout that various athletes performed before their lift yesterday.

Foam roll/Dynamic Warm - up

Band resisted footwork on agility ladder

Single and double leg quick hops on ladder

10yd band resisted sprint followed immediately by a 10 yd. sprint. 5 sets, 1 minute rest between

10 yard sprint, 5 yard backpedal, accelerate into a 10 yard sprint x 4 1 minute rest.

I like doing the resisted sprints in conjunction with regular sprints because it gives the athlete and over - speed feel. When they sprint with the band, I want aggressive knee and arm drive while they maintain the proper body angle. I then want to see the same thing when they do the regular sprints and the acceleration drill with the backpedal.

This is just one example of many different linear speed workouts that are done at SOAR. Notice that all sprints are kept to 10 yards.

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